The Board of Directors of GC Rieber Shipping has today approved the financial
statements for 2022 for both the group and the parent company. There are no
significant changes compared with the preliminary results published 16 February
The Annual General Meeting in GC Rieber Shipping ASA (“The Company”) will be
held on Tuesday 25 April 2023 at 14:00 hours (CET) at Solheimsgaten 11, Bergen
(the auditorium at Skipsbyggerhallen).
1. Opening of the Annual General Meeting by the Chairman of the Board and record
of shareholders present
2. Election of a person to chair the meeting
3. Approval of the notice and agenda
4. Election of a person to co-sign the minutes together with the chairperson
5. Approval of the annual accounts and the annual report for the financial year
2022, including possible distribution of dividends
6. Approval of the guidelines for remuneration to leading personnel pursuant to
Section 6-16 of the Public Limited Liability Companies Act, and consideration of
the remuneration report for 2022
7. Determination of the remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors
8. Approval of the remuneration to the auditor
9. Election of members to the Board of Directors
10. Election of auditor
The complete Notice has been submitted to shareholders. The Company’s annual
report for 2022 is attached to this stock exchange notice. Documents concerning
items on the agenda that shall be resolved by the general meeting have been made
available at the Company’s website (, in accordance
with article 5 in the Company’s articles of association.
Shareholders wishing to attend the annual general meeting, in person or by
proxy, are requested to follow the instructions in the Notice.
Contact information:
Einar Ytredal, CEO, GC Rieber Shipping, phone: +47 975 20 184
Silje Tonning Søgnen, CFO, GC Rieber Shipping, phone: +47 977 61 023
About GC Rieber Shipping:
GC Rieber Shipping is a shipowner and project-house with focus on developing
profitable and sustainable maritime projects.
Further information about the company, please go to
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.